
Breaking News

Biden says it’s ‘a mistake’ for the Texas Rangers to allow a capacity crowd on Opening Day.

Women Are Calling Out ‘Rape Culture’ in U.K. Schools

Hong Kong Court Convicts Democracy Leaders Over Protest March

As Virus and Economic Woes Ravage Brazil, Bolsonaro Improvises and Confounds

For many college students, pandemic life is disappointing. For others, it is a financial crisis.

For many college students, pandemic life is disappointing. For others, it is a financial crisis.

Aides helped Cuomo draft book while simultaneously obscuring nursing home deaths.

Investigators say a Trump aide took it upon himself to award hefty pandemic contracts.

As Virus and Economic Woes Ravage Brazil, Bolsonaro Improvises and Confounds

The E.U. vows to speed up its vaccine rollout as more countries tighten rules.

In Orban’s Hungary, Some ‘Migrants’ Are Treated With Reverence

Vaccines bring hope to New Yorkers, but virus cases are still alarmingly high.

Construire une mosquée en France, toujours plus difficile?

In San Francisco, turmoil over reopening schools turns a city against itself.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is highly effective in adolescents 12 to 15 years old, a clinical trial suggests.

With a record number of cases, Turkey forbids gatherings on the eve of Ramadan.

Scientists wonder if a mix-and-match approach to vaccines could be the way to go.

In Ukraine, the price for a vaccine can be a selfie.

Vaccines bring hope to New Yorkers, but cases are still alarmingly high.

A third national lockdown seems likely in France as hospitals are overwhelmed.

Britain’s undocumented immigrants are entitled to vaccine doses but lack easy access to them.

Construire une mosquée en France, toujours plus difficile?

Building a Mosque in France, Never Easy, May Get Even Harder

See How Rich Countries Got to the Front of the Vaccine Line

Cockpit Recorder From Indonesian Crash Is Finally Recovered

After W.H.O. report on the pandemic’s origins, China tries to shift attention elsewhere.

A Terrifying Disease Stalks Seaside Australia: Flesh-Eating Ulcers

Chile is a leader in vaccinations but Covid cases are surging, offering a cautionary tale about reopening too quickly.

For Syrians, the pandemic has increased the need for humanitarian assistance, but donations prove ‘woefully inadequate.’

A day with no Covid deaths in London? Nearly, but not quite.

As mask mandates lift, retail workers again feel vulnerable.

Baseball’s back, so teams are deciding whether their stadiums will continue to serve as vaccination venues.

Despite Chile’s Speedy Covid-19 Vaccination Drive, Cases Soar

Three Women Working to Vaccinate Children Shot Dead in Afghanistan

Entitled to Vaccines, Undocumented Immigrants in U.K. Struggle for Access

W.H.O. Inquiry on the Pandemic’s Origin: What We Know

A wave of infection in Pakistan reaches into senior ranks of the government.

Even as its vaccine rollout expands, the U.S. is in a race against a potential new surge.

Canada and Germany add restrictions to the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Even as its vaccine rollout expands, the U.S. is in a race against a potential new wave.

A Painful Project for France: A Museum on the Ravages of Terrorism

A day with no Covid deaths in London? Nearly, but not quite.

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Mozambique Attack

Police Response at Sarah Everard Vigil Was Appropriate, Investigators Say

In Vermont, a surge in cases brings the state to numbers that it thought it had left behind.

China’s Overhaul of Hong Kong Elections Gives Security Bodies a Key Role

As mask mandates lift, retail workers again feel vulnerable.

Ireland maps out a plan for revitalizing rural life after the pandemic.

The Taliban Think They Have Already Won, Peace Deal or Not

World leaders call for an international treaty to combat future pandemics.