
Breaking News

7 Pro-Democracy Politicians Arrested in Hong Kong Over Heated Meeting

A mask altercation involving two sisters and a store guard in Chicago ends with attempted murder charges.

Britain tells residents to stay home, adding to Europe’s growing lockdowns.

With nearly 100,000 new cases, the U.S. breaks the daily record.

In a first for the U.S., Cuomo requires visitors to New York to undergo testing.

An Ancient Hill and Forgotten Dead: Afghanistan’s Haunted Outpost

Greece and Austria add restrictions, and Britain weighs following suit as Europe’s surge helps drive global cases to new highs.

New Zealand’s preview of a post-virus world.

Rescue Workers Search for Survivors After Major Earthquake in Turkey

Greek Orthodox Priest Wounded in Lyon, France, Shooting, Reports Say

Dramatic Rescues After Major Earthquake Kills at Least 28 in Turkey

Cut Off From the World Again, Australia Now Finds Silver Linings

The U.S. breaks the record for new cases in a day, tallying over 99,000.

Nursing home residents continue to grapple with effects of isolation.

With 85 percent of N.Y.C. office workers still home, some companies are using perks to lure employees back.

Thanksgiving airline bookings have plummeted.

As Tanzania’s President Wins a Second Term, Opposition Calls for Protests

U.K. Weighs Another Nationwide Virus Lockdown

New C.D.C. report shows how quickly the virus can spread within households, even when the first case is a child.

Russian Provinces Hit by a Second Wave of Coronavirus

Philippines Braces for Typhoon Goni, Likely to Be Year’s Strongest Storm

A Frazzled World Holds Its Breath While the U.S. Chooses Its Leader

The U.S. breaks its record, tallying over 99,000 new cases in a day.

The U.S. breaks its record, tallying over 98,000 new cases in a day.

Wealthy neighborhoods in New York City show high rates of testing. Poorer ones do not.

U.S. Says Virus Can’t be Controlled. China Aims to Prove It Wrong

Egyptian Teen Seeks Justice for Rape, and a Battle Erupts Over Women’s Rights

Earthquake Rattles Western Turkey and Greece, Leveling Buildings

The pandemic has reached ‘an alarming juncture’ in the Middle East, W.H.O. warns.

Après les attaques terroristes, les musulmans s’interrogent sur leur place en France

2nd Man Is Arrested Over Knife Attack in Nice

Qatar Apologizes for Airport Strip Searches and Pursues Charges

Hong Kong’s authorities seize 100,000 fake masks to be sold overseas.

Crude attacks target the health authorities in Germany.

‘What a Barrister Looks Like’: A Young Black Woman Paves the Way

In Pandemic U.K., Brexit Is an Afterthought, as Is Trump

A new nationwide lockdown in France prompts an exodus from Paris.

New Zealand Voters Approve Euthanasia but Reject Recreational Marijuana

Los Angeles schools will probably stick with remote learning until at least January.

Schools are staying open in Europe’s new lockdowns, a reversal from the spring.

Clemson’s star quarterback tests positive for the virus.

The U.S. should strengthen the W.H.O., not quit it, experts argue

As virus cases rise across the U.S., records topple.

An unproven Covid-19 drug is turning out to be a proven moneymaker for its manufacturer.

New Zealand’s Advance Preview of a Post-Virus World

Clemson’s star quarterback, Trevor Lawrence, tests positive for the virus

A Californian is battling both influenza and Covid-19 in an early case of ‘co-infection.’

As Coronavirus Surges, Chastened Dutch Wonder, ‘What Happened to Us?’

Singapore eases restrictions for migrant workers, and other news around the world.

Trump’s closing argument on the virus clashes with science, and voters’ lives.