
Breaking News

Saudi King Fires 2 Royals in Defense Corruption Inquiry

Frustrated by Election Boycott, Venezuela’s Leader Pardons 100 Opponents

Israel and Hamas Agree to Cool Hostilities, for Now


Far Right Germans Try to Storm Reichstag as Virus Protests Escalate

Rejecting Censorship of His Book, a French Star Economist Stands Up to China

India’s Economy Shrank by Nearly 24 Percent Last Quarter

‘Here We Go Again’: A Second Virus Wave Grips Spain

India and China Face Off Again at Border as Troops Move In

China Detains Australian Host for Chinese State TV

‘Hotel Rwanda’ Hero, Paul Rusesabagina, Is Held on Terrorism Charge

Sudan Signs Peace Deal With Rebel Alliance

Curbs on Mongolian Language Teaching Prompt Large Protests in China

Kite Drags 3-Year-Old Girl Into the Sky

Israeli Airliner Completes First Direct Flight to Arab Emirates

Pranab Mukherjee, Indispensable Man of Indian Politics, Dies at 84

Lebanon Taps a New Prime Minister Amid Swirling Crises

Covid-19 Live Updates: Cases in the U.S. Have Topped 6 Million

Indian Court Hands Down Symbolic Sentence for Outspoken Lawyer

Up in the Air, It’s a Kite. It’s an Inflatable Panda. It’s … a Toddler?

Eye on Beirut, Senegal Port Rushes to Truck Away Tons of Ammonium Nitrate

French Magazine Sparks Outrage Over Racist Depiction of Black Lawmaker

Nyameka Goniwe, Who Sought Justice in Her Husband’s Killing, Dies at 69

Belarus President Hunkers Down as Crowds Demand He Leave

Banksy-Funded Rescue Vessel Evacuated After Distress Call

Covid-19 Live Updates: F.D.A. Chief Highlights Circumstances for Early Vaccine Approval

Taliban Violated Afghan Deal With Shelling of American Bases, U.S. Officials Say

Jeanette Carlson, Who Fought Apartheid, Dies at 91

Covid-19 Live Updates: California Is 1st State With Over 700,000 Cases

‘A Hail Mary’: Psychedelic Therapy Draws Veterans to Jungle Retreats

With a Wary Eye on China, Taiwan Moves to Revamp Its Military

‘Something Broke Inside Belarusians.’ Why an Apolitical People Rose Up

U.K. Braces for School Return Amid Fears of Virus Spike

Film Crew Spent 3 Years in Remote Balkan Hamlet. Will They Ever Leave?

Many Want to Be Japan’s New Leader. Do They Know What Awaits Them?

Berlin Police Halt Rally Against Coronavirus Restrictions

Covid-19 Live Updates: Protest in Berlin, and World Cases Near 25 Million

Shinzo Abe’s Resignation Prompts Speculation About His Successor

With a New Leader, Conservatives Look to Unseat Justin Trudeau

After 7 Years on the Run, a Muslim Brotherhood Leader Is Caught

Ulcerative Colitis, Abe’s Affliction, Can Be Extremely Debilitating

Executive Admits Manslaughter in U.K. Trafficking Case Involving Vietnamese

‘A Family Business:’ Graft Investigation Threatens Brazil’s Bolsonaro

China Captures Hong Kong Activists Fleeing to Taiwan by Sea

‘He Did What?’: On Trump, Merkel’s Face Does the Talking

As Coronavirus Reappears in Italy, Migrants Become a Target for Politicians

France Prohibits a Bird Hunting Technique, 41 Years After an E.U. Ban

‘He Did What?’: On Trump, Merkel’s Face Does the Talking

‘It’s a Joy for Me to Bury Them’: A Quest to Honor Migrant Dead

India’s Covid Outbreak Is Now the World’s Fastest-Growing