
Breaking News

Abused Woman Who Killed Husband Is Granted the Family’s U.K. Estate

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Sends Two Million Hydroxychloroquine Doses to Brazil

Resisting Lockdown, Nicaragua Becomes a Place of Midnight Burials

Trip by Boris Johnson Aide Thrusts 192-Year-Old Magazine Into Uproar

Coronavirus Turns a Spanish Sea Delicacy Back Into Daily Fare

The Drive-In Theater: Keeping Drama Alive During the Lockdown

Western Countries Leave Children of ISIS in Syrian Camps

Mexico’s President Says Most Domestic Violence Calls Are ‘Fake’

Coronavirus Live Updates: G7 Summit Is Postponed

China and India Brawl at 14,000 Feet Along the Border

Rabbis to Return to German Military Amid Growing Anti-Semitism

In Some Nations, Coronavirus Is Only One of Many Outbreaks

Coronavirus Slams Broken, Embattled Yemen

A Mile-Long Line for Free Food in Geneva, One of World’s Richest Cities

In Hong Kong, Anxiety and Defiance Over Trump’s Move to Cut Ties

Coronavirus Live Updates: As U.S. Cities Ease Restrictions, Other Nations Backslide

‘Facing the Darkest Hour’: Hong Kong’s Protest Movement in Crisis

A Continent Reopens

When Going to Work Means Taking a Calculated Risk

In Brazil, a President Under Fire Lashes Out at Investigators

Taiwan Court Strikes Down Law Criminalizing Adultery

Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas

Russians Are Angry, but Putin’s Foes Struggle to Seize the Moment

Student Activist in Australia Is Suspended After China Protests

South Korean Ends Yearlong Tower Protest After Samsung Apologizes

In India and Beyond, Coronavirus Cases Rise Amid Reopenings: Live Coverage

Older Italians Warily Eye Young Crowds, Fearing 2nd Coronavirus Wave

In Hong Kong, China Tries to Drown Out Security Law’s Critics

A Son’s Long Struggle to Clear His Family’s Name Is Only Half Won

In a German Restaurant, the Sommelier Lifts His Mask to Smell the Wine

Its Coronavirus Caseload Soaring, India Is Reopening Anyway

The Return to School

Coronavirus Live Updates: Caseloads Accelerate, Even as Nations Reopen

Kosovo Court Says New Government Can Be Formed Without an Election


Roman Villa’s Mosaics Are Unearthed, Again, a Century After Last Dig

Germany Wants E.U. to Sanction Head of Russian Military Intelligence

Coronavirus Pandemic’s Spread Quickens: Live Coverage

‘Genius’ or ‘Amoral’? Artist’s Latest Angers Indigenous Canadians

Playing by the Rules: Dutch Leader Offers a Sober Contrast in a Brash Era

Hungary Outlaws Changing Gender on Documents After Birth

French Take Their Apéros to the Streets, Testing Lockdown Limits

As the U.S. Lashes Out at China, Beijing Hardens Its Resolve

A Reporter’s Journey Across a Resuscitating, and Oddly Changed, Europe

U.K. to Roll Out Mass Coronavirus Testing and Contact Tracing: Live Coverage

‘It’s Too Late’: In Sprawling Indonesia, Coronavirus Surges

Proud of Your Lockdown Baking? This Man Built a Giant Kookaburra

‘It’s Not The Virus’: Mexico’s Broken Hospitals Become Killers, Too

China Approves Plan to Rein In Hong Kong, Defying Worldwide Outcry

Coronavirus Live Updates: Britain to Roll Out Mass Testing; U.S. Death Toll Passes 100,000