
Breaking News

Beer With Bella: Benjamin Law

Toronto’s City of Tomorrow Is Scaled Back Amid Privacy Concerns

Greek Refugee Camps Are Near Catastrophe, Rights Chief Warns

Baghdadi and Aide Dead, ISIS Confirms

China Says It Will Roll Out ‘National Security’ Steps for Hong Kong

3 Bold Makeup Looks To Try This Festive Season

Hong Kong Falls Into Recession as Protesters Don Masks for Halloween

North Korea Fires 2 Projectiles in First Test Since Latest Talks Stalled

Hong Kong Falls Into Recession as Protesters Dress Up for Halloween

Death of ISIS Leader Is Scant Consolation to a Changed France

Hong Kong’s Jarring Protests: Clashes Fade, Then Flare Up Again

North Korea Fires 2 Projectiles in First Test Since Talks Stalled

Shuri Castle, Historical Tourist Draw on Okinawa, Is Destroyed by Fire

Fire Engulfs a Speeding Train in Pakistan, Killing Dozens

Anxious and Cooped Up, 1.5 Million Kashmiri Children Are Still Out of School

Philippines Struck by Second Big Earthquake in Three Days

Hundreds of U.S. Troops Leaving, and Also Arriving in, Syria

Iraq Prime Minister Pressed to Quit as Protests Clog Streets

12 Men Found Alive in Refrigerated Truck After Deadly Smuggling Case

South African Police Use Force to Disperse Refugee Sit-In After 3 Weeks

Erdogan: U.S. Lawmakers Have No Right to Call Armenian Deaths Genocide

Jordan-Israel Ties Strained by Detentions

Grenfell Tower Inquiry Criticized for Faulting Fire Brigade

Israeli Soldier Gets One-Month Sentence Over Death of Gaza Teenager

Kashmiri Militants Kill 5 Laborers, Expanding Threat to Civilians

An H.I.V. Outbreak Puts Spotlight on Pakistan’s Health Care System

Caught in U.S.-China Crossfire, Eastman Orchestra Cancels Tour

How the New Syria Took Shape

They Sought a Brighter Future in Britain. Instead, Their Families Are Mourning Them.

72 British Lawmakers Condemn ‘Colonial’ Coverage of Meghan

Afghan Government Demands Cease-Fire Before Any Taliban Talks

Sadako Ogata, First Woman to Lead U.N. Refugee Agency, Dies at 92

Notorious Killer’s Bid for Parole Reopens Old Wounds in Belgium

Vladimir Bukovsky, Revered Soviet Dissident and Putin Critic, Dies at 76

Brexit Delay Sends Thousands of Commemorative Coins to the Scrap Heap

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Stepping Down

World’s 14 Highest Peaks in 6 Months: Nepali Smashes Climbing Record

Australia Proposes Face Scans for Watching Online Pornography

Emergency Services’ Advice to Grenfell Residents Cost Lives, U.K. Report Finds

Jeremy Corbyn Says Labour Will Back Early Election

Australia Says Google Misled Consumers Over Location Tracking

Classical Music and Fetishes Unite in Historical Center of Gay Culture

India Finally Lets Lawmakers Into Kashmir: Far-Right Europeans

‘A New Message’: Russia Trains Its Propaganda Machine on Africa

2-Year-Old Dies After Being Trapped in Well for Days

Hong Kong Bars Joshua Wong, a Prominent Activist, From Seeking Election

As Kurds Tracked ISIS Leader, U.S. Withdrawal Threw Raid Into Turmoil

What the U.S. Withdrawal Cost the Kurds

Iraqi Antigovernment Protests Grow, Part Battle Lines and Carnival

Pentagon Can’t Confirm Baghdadi ‘Whimpering’