
Breaking News

U.S. Military Stops Counting How Much of Afghanistan Is Controlled by Taliban

Is the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group?

Young Adults Flocking to Energy Drinks

More Evidence Backs CBD For Kids' Rare Epilepsy

1 Radiation Dose Enough For Some Prostate Cancers

Venezuelan Opposition Leader Steps Up Pressure, but Maduro Holds On

Emperor Akihito Abdicates, and a New Era Arrives in Japan

Photos From Venezuela: A Protest Turns Violent

Ambien, Lunesta, Other Sleep Aids Get New Warning

Photos From Venezuela: A Protest Turns Violent

Youth Suicide Rates Spike After '13 Reasons Why'

Consumer Reports Names Top Sunscreens for 2019

Study: Most Kids Incorrectly Use Asthma Inhalers

Yeti Footprints Found in Nepal Are Maybe (Definitely) From a Bear

Blood Test Might Diagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Newly Named LATE Dementia Mimics Alzheimer's



Gym Rat

10 Questions for Josh Gad

Guaidó Calls for an Uprising in Venezuela

‘Overrun,’ ‘Outbred,’ ‘Replaced’: Why Ethnic Majorities Lash Out Over False Fears

What Is Happening in Venezuela and Why It Matters

What is Happening in Venezuela and Why It Matters

World First: Drone Delivers Kidney for Transplant

Trevor Noah Raises His Voice for Others

Youth Suicide Rates Spike After '13 Reasons Why'

Things ‘Stopped Changing’: Why Conflict Still Flares in Northern Ireland

Clashes Flare After Venezuela Opposition Leader Calls for Military Uprising

A Holocaust Story for the Social Media Generation

As Sense of Smell Fades, Does Death Come Closer?

Emperor Akihito, Who Gave Japan’s Monarchy a Human Face, Abdicates Throne

Juan Guaidó Calls for Military Uprising in Venezuela

Japan Would Make Akihito Emperor, but She Called Him ‘Jimmy’

In Afghan Blood Sports, the Animals Aren’t the Only Ones Fighting

Sri Lanka’s President Lifts Ban on Social Media